Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
Influencers on Instagram and Their Role in Enhancing Purchasing Behavior Among Saudi Youth: The Mediation Effect of Consumer Trends as an Intermediate Variable
المؤثرون على إنستجرام ودورهم في تعزيز السلوك الشرائي لدى الشباب السعودي: تأثير اتجاهات المستهلكين كمتغير وسيط
Subject : Faculty of Communication and Media 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : The study aimed to identify the role of messages of influencers on the Instagram website in promoting purchasing behavior among Saudi youth, considering the impact of consumer attitudes as amediating variable. The study relied on the mixed approach, which combines quantitative research and qualitative research using a questionnaire tool to collect data on a sample of (400) individuals, and qualitative content analysis was also relied on to analyze (4) influencer accounts via the Instagram website. The study revealed several results, the most important of which are: First: The respondents’ attitudes towards influencers on social media: It was found through the study that the study sample was interested in the credibility of the influencers and that the influencer was objective while presenting his marketing message. The results of the study also found the importance of the attractiveness element of influencers and the influencers’ interest in highlighting it. The study sample agreed on the importance of matching the marketing content provided by the influencer with the content he was famous for. The study sample also agreed on the importance of conveying the meaning, which is the persuasive method used by the influencer in his marketing messages. Second: The effect of the research sample trends as a mediator variable on enhancing purchasing behavior: The results of the study determined the extent to which the influence of the credibility and product match up strong among influencers in influencing the attitudes of Saudi youth and enhancing their purchasing behavior towards services and products. It indicated that exposure of the study sample to the messages of the influencer who has honesty encourages them to buy the product he is talking about, and that exposure to the messages of the influencer who has credibility increases their desire to acquire the product he is talking about. The study also showed that exposure to the messages of an influencer who has strong background knowledge of the product makes the sample excited to buy the product. Exposing the Saudi youth to the messages of the influencer who talks about the products closest to his specialty makes them always think about buying the product. 
Supervisor : Dr. Khulood Abduulah Miliany 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1444 AH
2022 AD
Added Date : Monday, February 27, 2023 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
سارا شارع البقميAlbogami, Sara ShareaResearcherMaster 


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